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Babies Need A Lot Of sleep! But, Just How Much?

One of the most common questions parents ask me is: ” Is my child getting enough sleep?”

Sleep patterns in young children, from birth to around the age of 5, exhibit noticeable variations.

In the initial stages, newborns, aged 0-3 months, are characterized by their substantial amount of sleep, averaging about 16-20 hours a day. However, this sleep is fragmented into shorter intervals as they need to wake up frequently for feeding.

Additionally, their sleep cycles are shorter, and they spend a significant portion of their slumber in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which plays a crucial role in their early brain development.

As babies grow and enter the infant stage (4-12 months), their total sleep duration begins to decrease slightly. Yet, there’s a notable shift towards more predictable sleep patterns. Many infants within this age range begin to achieve more extended stretches of nighttime sleep, and daytime naps may start to follow a regular schedule. On average, they still require about 12-15 hours of sleep per day.

Toddlers (1-3 years) typically settle into a sleep routine that spans approximately 11-13 hours daily.

In this phase, you might start wondering if it’s time to bid farewell to those daytime naps. You may notice that although they attempt to nap, they can’t quite settle down for one anymore.

During this transition, don’t hesitate to introduce some “quiet time” activities. Reading books, engaging in gentle play like puzzles or pretend games, and enjoying soothing music can help make this shift smoother for your child.

Keep in mind that your child may still occasionally need a nap, perhaps 2 or 3 times a week. It’s essential to be flexible, especially during the weekends. To prevent your child from becoming overly tired, consider putting them to bed a bit earlier on days when they skip the nap.

As children progress to the preschool years (3-5 years), their sleep needs continue to decrease slightly, averaging 10-13 hours per day. They typically maintain a single daytime nap, although it may gradually decrease or disappear altogether as they approach their fifth year. Nighttime sleep is usually more stable, featuring fewer interruptions.

It’s worth emphasizing that individual variations in sleep requirements are prevalent among children. Factors like genetics, temperament, and daily routines contribute to these differences.

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So let’s make a quick review of how much sleep your child needs, by age – and stage:

Newborn: 16 to 20 hours a day, spread during the night & day- gradually increase the awake time during the day

6 months: 13 hours in the night +   2 – 3  hours during the day (spread in 2 naps)

1 year : 11 hours in the night + 3 hours nap ( spread in 2 naps)

2 years: 10/11 hours in the night + 2 hours nap

3 years: 10 /11 hours in the night + 1/1.5 hours nap

4 years :11 – 12 hours hours in the night – nap is gradually dropped

5 years:  11 hours in the night

What can cause a sleep disruption in my child? 


In addition to considering the typical sleep duration based on a child’s age, it’s crucial to keep in mind that various factors can contribute to sleep disturbances in children. These factors can result in both longer or shorter sleep durations, frequent nighttime awakenings, and what is often referred to as “sleep regressions.”

  • Separation Anxiety (Around 6-9 Months): Between 6 and 9 months of age, many babies experience separation anxiety. They become more aware of their attachment to their primary caregiver and may become anxious when separated, even during sleep. This can lead to night awakenings or difficulty falling asleep independently. Comforting routines and consistent reassurance can help ease this phase.
  • Teething: Teething is a natural process during which a baby’s teeth begin to emerge through their gums. This can be a discomforting and sometimes painful experience for babies, leading to changes in their sleep patterns. Teething pain often disrupts sleep, causing babies to wake up more frequently during the night. Babies may also become more irritable during the day due to teething discomfort. Providing teething toys or cool teething rings can offer relief and help improve sleep quality.
  • Introduction of Solid Foods (Between 4 to 6 Months): As babies transition from a diet of solely breast milk or formula to the introduction of solid foods, their digestive systems adapt to new foods and textures. This dietary change can sometimes result in discomfort or digestive issues like gas or constipation, which may disrupt sleep. Additionally, introducing solids often means establishing new feeding routines, which can affect the timing of naps and nighttime sleep. Careful monitoring of the introduction of solids and ensuring that they are introduced gradually and in line with a baby’s readiness can help minimize sleep disruptions.
  • Crawling (Around 6-10 Months): As babies become mobile by crawling, they may practice their new skill in the crib, leading to occasional nighttime awakenings. This restlessness often passes as they become more proficient at crawling during waking hours.
  • Walking (Around 9 to 12 Months): When a baby starts to learn how to walk, usually around 9 to 12 months of age, it can have a significant impact on their sleep. The newfound ability to walk and explore the world can make some babies more excited and curious during the day, affecting their nap schedule. Additionally, the physical exertion of learning to walk can lead to increased tiredness, which might cause some babies to sleep more soundly at night. However, others may be so excited about their newfound skill that they resist napping or have difficulty settling down at night.
  1. Talking and Language Development (1-2 Years): As language skills develop, toddlers may experiment with talking or babbling in their cribs. While this is a positive sign of cognitive development, it can occasionally disrupt sleep patterns, especially during naptime.
  2. Potty Training (Around 2-3 Years): When toddlers begin potty training, they may need to wake up at night to use the toilet. This transition can disrupt sleep temporarily. Gradually reducing nighttime diaper use and ensuring a comforting bedtime routine can help minimize disruptions.
  3. Transition to a Toddler Bed (Around 2-3 Years): Moving from a crib to a toddler bed is a significant change. Some children may have difficulty adjusting to the newfound freedom, leading to bedtime resistance or frequent night awakenings.
  4. Nightmares and Night Terrors (Preschool Age): Nightmares and night terrors become more common as children grow, typically during the preschool years. These can cause sudden awakenings and distress during the night. Offering comfort and reassurance is crucial during these episodes.
  5. Starting School (Around 5 Years): As children begin formal schooling, changes in routines and increased cognitive demands may lead to sleep disturbances. Ensuring a consistent bedtime routine and sufficient sleep duration is essential during this transition.

Remember that these milestones are part of a child’s natural development and may lead to temporary disruptions in sleep. With patience, understanding, and consistent sleep routines, most children adapt and establish healthier sleep patterns over time.

🙂If you’re grappling with challenges related to your child’s sleep schedule, don’t hesitate to reach out to me!

Together, we can work on improving your child’s daily and nightly routines, leading to better sleep for them (and more time for you!).

Babies Need A Lot Of sleep! But, Just How Much?

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